AI Webinar

Maksimér AI i Infor M3. Praktiske løsninger for Cloud- og On Prem brugere den 4. november 2024 klokken 9.00-10.00

Denne gang inviterer vi til webinar i samarbejde med Columbus og Infor.

Kom med på et webinar hvor eksperter fra Infor og Columbus vil vejlede dig i hvordan du effektivt udnytter AI i din anvendelse af M3,  hvad enten du er i Cloud eller On-prem.


  • Håkan Strombeck – Industry & Solution Strategist, Infor
  • Henrik Leffler – Digital Transformation Lead, Columbus
  • Per Nilsson – Solution Director Data & AI, Columbus

Du kan forvente følgende: 

  • AI for Cloud & On-Prem M3-brugere: Lær hvordan AI kan bruges effektivt uanset jeres infrastruktur.
  • Praktiske AI-eksempler: Vi deler konkrete eksempler fra den virkelige verden, hvor AI skaber reel forretningsværdi.
  • Start af AI-projekter med høj effekt: Få praktiske tips om hvordan du identificerer løsninger, som virkelig er til nytte for virksomheden.
  • Live med AI: Præsentation af step-by-step tilgang til implementering af AI-løsninger, så fuld potentiale og integration opnås på tværs af organisationen.

For mere detaljeret beskrivelse, se den engelske version nedenfor.

Dato: 4. november 2024

Tid: Klokken 09:00 - 10:00

Format: Online v/M3 User Group Denmark

Sprog: Engelsk

Deltagelse i webinaret er gratis.

Vi udsender en Teams-invitation til webinaret efter tilmeldingsfristens udløb den 31. oktober.

Videresend gerne information om webinaret til andre i din organisation, som kunne være interesseret.



Maximizing AI in Infor M3: Practical strategies for cloud & on-prem users, 4.11.24, 9 am

M3 User Group Denmark invites you to this special webinar in collaboration with Columbus and Infor.

With AI being a hot topic, especially in the M3 community, we’ve crafted a session packed with practical insights and actionable strategies. Whether you’re on cloud or on-premises, join this session to discover how you can effectively leverage AI specifically within your company.


  • Håkan Strombeck – Industry & Solution Strategist, Infor
  • Henrik Leffler – Digital Transformation Lead, Columbus
  • Per Nilsson – Solution Director Data & AI, Columbus

What you can expect:

  • AI for cloud & on-prem M3 users: Learn how AI can be utilized regardless of your infrastructure. Håkan Strombeck from Infor will share insights on how AI is being effectively used in both cloud and on-prem environments, offering a broad perspective on AI's potential in different setups.
  • Practical AI examples: We will share real examples from our and Infor’s experience, showcasing how AI can drive value. Per Nilsson will present specific AI use cases from Columbus’ portfolio, demonstrating how these initiatives have delivered strong business benefits.
  • How to start with high-impact AI use cases: No AI just for AI’s sake. We’ll guide you on how to identify AI opportunities that make sense for your specific business needs. Henrik Leffler will discuss where to start, drawing on lessons learned, and will cover strategies for pinpointing the most impactful AI use cases, along with effectively managing the transformation process to ensure success.
  • How to bring AI use cases to life and realize value: We’ll showcase the methodology to not only implement AI solutions but also to make them an integral part of your operations. Per Nilsson, who works with customers on this daily, will guide you through a step-by-step approach to ensure that the value of AI is fully realized and adopted across your organization.

Date: November 4, 2024

Time: 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Format: Online, hosted via M3 User Group Denmark

Language: English

Participation is cost-free.


When registration deadline is reached we will send a Teams invitation to all registered participants in order to enter the webinar.

Please share the webinar details with interested collegues of yours.

Arrangement oversigt

Dato 04-11-2024
Sidste frist 31-10-2024
Tilmeldte 69 Se Liste
Tilgængelige pladser 131
Lokation Teams

Der kan ikke længere tilmeldes til dette arrangement

Registrants Liste

Fornavn Registrerings Dato Virksomhed
Yvonne 18-09-2024 Natur-Drogeriet A/S
Tobias 26-10-2024 Columbus
Thomas 07-10-2024 Hartmann A/S
Sussi 20-09-2024 C&D Foods A/S
Susanne 26-09-2024 Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Steen 26-09-2024 Logitrans A/S
Simon Jarl 30-10-2024 Plus Pack A/S
Sanne 24-10-2024 Gabriel
Richard 08-10-2024 Kohberg Bakery group
Renjith 07-10-2024 By Malene Birger
Renè 07-10-2024 Natur-Drogeriet A/S
Peter Vagn 07-10-2024 Gabriel A/S
Peter 07-10-2024 AO
Peter 31-10-2024 Johannes Fog A/S
Per Christian 22-10-2024 Columbus Norway AS
Per 24-10-2024 Columbus
Per 31-10-2024 Johannes Fog A/S
Olga 08-10-2024 Faerch Group
Ole 26-09-2024 Logitrans A/S
Niklas 24-10-2024 Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S
Nicolai 07-10-2024 Brdr. Hartmann
Nanna 07-10-2024 Kohberg Bakery Group
Michael Drud 10-10-2024 Natur-Drogeriet A/S
Mette 17-09-2024 Columbus
Mathias 07-10-2024 Kohberg Bakery Group A/S
Mathias 23-10-2024 Elvenite
Marlene 08-10-2024 FM MATTSSON Group
Maria 29-10-2024 Plus Pack A/S
Malene 17-09-2024 FM Mattsson Denmark ApS
Mads 23-10-2024 Columbus
Louise 07-10-2024 Faerch A/S
Lars 04-10-2024 Mac Baren Tobacco Company A/S
Laila 07-10-2024 Faerch A/S
Kent Klein 31-10-2024 Johannes Fog A/S
Karsten 16-09-2024 Ambu A/S
Karina 17-09-2024 Logitrans A/S
Karen 08-10-2024 FM MATTSSON Group
Kalyan 16-09-2024 AMBU A/S
Jonas 10-10-2024 Plus Pack
Jette Frost 19-09-2024 Guldmann
Jesper Ravn 17-09-2024 Infor
Jesper 07-10-2024 Vald. Birn A/S
Jan Højtoft 21-09-2024 Good Food Group
Jan 07-10-2024 Natur-Drogeriet
Izabela 07-10-2024 PACCOR
Iréne 07-10-2024 Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Ian 23-09-2024 Good Food Group A/S
Helle 30-10-2024 Midsona Danmark A/S
Gitte 07-10-2024 Gabriel A/S
FRANDS RYTTERGAARD 07-10-2024 Faerch
Flemming 07-10-2024 Natur-Drogeriet A/S
Else 24-09-2024 Migatronic A/S
Dorte 07-10-2024 V. Guldmann A/S
Christine 07-10-2024 Brødrene Hartmann A/S
Christina 07-10-2024 Kohberg
Christian 26-09-2024 BRØDRENE HARTMANN A/S
Christian 30-09-2024 Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S
Christian 08-10-2024 Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S
Christian 23-10-2024 Elvenite
Charlotte 19-09-2024 Vald. Birn A/S and M3 User Group Denmark
Channe 07-10-2024 Plus Pack A/S
Catharine 11-10-2024 Columbus
Carsten 30-09-2024 Columbus
Carina 30-09-2024 Columbus
Bastian 10-10-2024 Plus Pack
Ayla 22-10-2024 Columbus
Anastasia 15-09-2024 Columbus
Alexander 10-10-2024 Plus Pack NV
Adam 02-10-2024 Novacura